2014 Ordinances

14-09 Amending Chapter 11 of the City of Castle Pines Municipal Code to Add a New Article VII Regarding Special Events Permits

14-08 Amending Ordinance No. 08-11 Concerning the Vacation of a Portion of Lagae Road and Declaring an Emergency

14-07 Amending Chapter 5 of the Castle Pines Municipal Code to Adopt a Competitive Cable Franchise Application, Review and Evaluation Process

14-06 Approving a Lease Extension with CPN Investments LLC for Municipal Purposes

14-05 Amending the City Zoning Ordinance to Remove Inapplicable Zoning District Designations and Section 31A Concerning Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements

14-04 Approving an Application for a Use by Special Review for IREA Happy Canyon 115kV-12.47kV Substation

14-03 Approving Vested Property Rights Associated with the Castle Pines Town Center Planned Development, First Amendment, and the First Amendment to the Annexation and Development Agreement for Lagae South

14-02 Approving a First Amendment to the Annexation and Development Agreement for Lagae South

14-01 Approving the Castle Pines Town Center Planned Development, First Amendment, and Amending the Official Zoning Map