City Council Meetings
The regular meetings of the City Council are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Douglas County Library, 360 Village Square Lane, Event Hall. The public is encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings. Anyone who wants to address the Council may do so during the public comment period at the regular meetings of the City Council. Public comment is limited to three minutes per person.
Study sessions are held, as needed, at 5:30 p.m. on the first, second, and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Study sessions are informational meetings and differ in several ways from the regular City Council meetings. While the City Council may give direction to City staff, no votes are cast, no formal action is taken, and there is no public comment during the study session. For more information about meetings, review the City Council Procedures and Rules of Order and the adopted meeting protocols for City Council and City boards and commissions.
Attending City Council
Register for the February 11 City Council Meeting- To register, click on the link above.
- Once you register your email, a code is automatically emailed to you.
- Join the meeting as a participant in person or virtually.
Public Comment Instructions
Written Comment
Please be mindful that written comments will not be read into the record; if you would like to provide live comment during the meeting, please see the instructions below.
Written comments must be submitted to Written comments to be included in the City Council’s packets must be received by the City Clerk no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Wednesday before the Tuesday meeting. Any documents received after the deadline will be disseminated to the City Council at the next subsequent Council meeting
Live Comment
If you wish to provide your public comment live during the meeting, please click the link above to register for the virtual meeting. During live public comment, one individual may speak at a time. Public comment is not an interactive discussion with Council, but an opportunity to express viewpoints and concerns. An immediate response to public comment should not be expected, and questions raised on items not on the night’s agenda may be redirected to staff to be answered at a later date.
Comment on Quasi-Judicial Matters
Quasi-judicial matters include, but are not limited to, rezoning applications, preliminary plans, use by special review, site improvement plans, and the issuance of new liquor licenses. Virtual public comment on quasi-judicial matters is not permitted and must be done in person at the specified time for the item on the agenda. Public comment on quasi-judicial matters cannot be given outside of the specified time in the public hearing for the matter.
If on a laptop/tablet:
Once the public comment or public hearing period is opened, please use the Chat feature in Zoom to request the opportunity to speak and verify your name and address. You will be placed in a queue and given your allotted three minutes to speak as an individual or five minutes on behalf of a group. Please only use the Chat feature to request the chance to speak, as staff will not be answering other questions or addressing other comments through the Chat.
If calling in via phone:
After the first round of live comments has been given, the last four digits of each phone number will be recognized and given the chance to speak, one by one. Please verify your name and address before giving your comments—three minutes as an individual or five minutes on behalf of a group.
We look forward to your participation and are grateful for your understanding and patience as we navigate through new procedures.
City Council Agendas
The agenda determines what items will be discussed at each meeting. Sign up to receive meeting agendas in your inbox as soon as they’re posted online.
For access to agendas and minutes dated prior to May 8, 2012, please fill out the online Public Records Request Form.
City Council meetings can also be viewed by clicking on the links below.