Strategic Plan: Community Dashboard
The City’s Strategic Plan is a working, living document that reflects the policy direction of the Castle Pines City Council and guides City staff’s efforts to ensure progress and measurable results. The City of Castle Pines is an organization with a strong commitment to transparency. In recognition of this commitment, this community dashboard was developed to track the advancement of City Council priorities in five categories: maintain roads, community safety, financial health, development, and business health.
The progress of each section of the community dashboard is determined by averaging two to five individual metrics.
Review the 2024-2025 Strategic Plan for more information on City Council’s priorities.
Development of Strategic Plan & Performance Indicators
Each year, City Council holds a retreat to conduct a strategic planning process based on the City’s adopted Vision, Mission, and Key Focus Areas. The City Council retreat results in Strategic Goals, Key Focus Areas, and additional policy direction to guide staff in day-to-day operations. This guides the development of the City’s Strategic Plan. Staff is tasked with executing City Council’s direction by creating an implementation plan. To help execute the Strategic Plan, outcomes and dashboard metrics are created.
The Community Dashboard evaluates progress on the most important City projects. To communicate the progress for these projects, five dashboard indicators were created. Within each dashboard, two to five related data sets demonstrate the progress of important projects.
For more information, please select each dashboard indicator above.
Strategic Plan Achievements
At the close of each year, the City will develop a summary of achievements related to the Strategic Plan. You can access the following prior City achievements below.
2022 City of Castle Pines Achievements
Key Focus Areas
The Council established four Key Focus Areas from their Strategic Objectives. Within each Key Focus Area, there are Strategic Goals, SMART Objectives/Projects, and Action Steps. There may also be Adaptive Strategies and Dashboard Metrics.
Dashboard Metrics
To report the City’s progress through the community dashboard, the following five categories and subsequent data sets have been identified. Through this Community Dashboard, we track and report our overall progress toward our community goals.
Maintain Roads
- Annual Road Solution Projects
- PCI ratings
- Lane miles of roadway improved
- Lane miles of new roadway accepted
Community Safety
- Crime incident count
- Traffic tickets issued and patrol hours completed
Financial Health
- Actual operating revenue to projections
- Actual operating expenditures to projections
- Commercial vacancy
- Building permits issued
Business Health
- Brick-and-mortar tax revenue
- Business licenses
- Tax returns processes
The measures appearing in the Community Dashboard may evolve over time as we gather feedback from residents on how we can improve. If you would like to provide feedback, please contact