Meeting highlights from the October 24 City Council meeting include:
- Approving a professional services agreement with Michael Baker International, Inc. to develop a Safe Streets and Roads for All Comprehensive Safety Action Plan.
- Approving a resolution expressing support for a "yes" vote on the Castle Pines Ballot Measure 2E for the November 7, 2023 election, which would authorize a temporary one-percent increase of sales and use tax for essential road improvements.
- Approving a resolution expressing support for a "yes" vote on the Castle Pines Ballot Measure 2F, which would reduce property tax mills from various metro districts and move them to the City to manage parks, recreation, trail, and open space improvements and maintenance.
- Approving a resolution to amend the City of Castle Pines Fee Schedule. The amendment eliminates the biennial business license fee.
To view more information about all agenda items or to view the meeting recording, visit the City Council Meeting webpage.